
OS Recommendations

The charts below show how Hyperchain’s requirements map onto various platforms.


Distro Release Arch
RHEL 6 or later amd64, 386
CentOS 6 or later amd64, 386
SLES 11SP3 or later amd64, 386
Ubuntu 14.04 or later amd64, 386
macOS 10.8 or later amd64, 386

Install Go

Hyperchain uses the Go programming language for its components, thus we need to install Go for developing.

Download Go

Go provides binary distributions for Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows. If you are using a different OS, you can download the Go source code and install from source.

Download the latest version of Go for your platform here: Downloads - version 1.7.x or above

Install Go

Follow the instructions for your platform to install the Go tools: Install the Go tools. It is recommended to use the default installation settings.

  • On Mac OS X and Linux, by default Go is installed to directory /usr/local/go/, and the GOROOT environment variable is set to /usr/local/go.
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
  • Also set the GOROOT/bin variable, which is used to run Go command.
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin


Your Go working directory (GOPATH) is where you store your Go code. It can be any path you choose but must be separate from your Go installation directory (GOROOT).

The following instructions describe how to set your GOPATH. Refer to the official Go documentation for more details:

  • On Mac OS X and Linux Set the GOPATH environment variable for your workspace:
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
  • Also set the GOPATH/bin variable, which is used to run compiled Go programs.
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
  • Since we’ll be doing a bunch of coding in Go, you might want to add the following to your~/.bashrc:
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin

Test Go Installation

Create and run the hello.go application described here:

If you set up your Go environment properly, you should be able to run “hello” from any directory and see the program execute successfully.

Install Go vendor tool

Go vendor is a tool for managing Go packages and their dependencies. This tool will copy the dependent packages to the project’s vendor directory, and record their versions in a file named vendor.json.


go get -u

Test Go vendor Installation

To verify you setup govendor properly, please make sure govendor version information displays correctly.

At the command prompt, type the following command and make sure you see govendor version information:

$ govendor --version

More Details

You can goto the project’s home page for more details. - Go vendor

Install Contract Compiler(Optional)

Hyperchain supports Smart Contract which written in Solidity and then compiled into bytecode to be uploaded on the blockchain.

Given that we are writing in Solidity, we need to be sure that we have installed contract compiler named solc for compiling.

We’ve provided some general installers for some platforms in our source code, you can use them to install solc quickly, you can also refer to the official site - Installing Solidity for installation.